The countries of Asia still have a long way to go. Asia will soon become a technical superpower as governments invest in AI-driven technologies.
The present exciting developments in artificial intelligence are sweeping the globe and influencing all businesses. Face recognition, self-driving cars, better internet outcomes, and business development are all feasible thanks to artificial intelligence. It’s no surprise that established, growing, and developing countries are all focusing on AI adoption in order to boost their prospects and advancement. While AI technology advances across the world, several major AI powers compete for first position.
Top 10 Asian Countries That Will Lead AI Trace
China has long had lofty intentions to become the world’s AI superpower. In light of this goal, China’s State Council has said that the country would be a global AI leader worth US$150 billion by 2030. Given that it is presently a global leader in AI research, the aim is not just vague, but it also appears realistic. Furthermore, in comparison to other big countries, the country has published more deep learning research articles. The country’s high internet-using population (roughly 750 million people) provides a massive volume of digital data for enterprises to handle.
By employing strategic breakthroughs and technology, Society 5.0, a Japanese vision, aims to improve human life and strive toward a smart society. In Asian countries like Japan, supportive policies and financing from the public and business sectors are assisting AI development. China and Japan, two of the world’s top industrial robot exporters, are putting AI research into reality. AI is being employed widely in the financial, retail, and healthcare sectors to enhance the economy.
As a rapidly growing country, India is experiencing a massive digital transformation. To analyse the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the country, consider the impact of digital technologies on economic aspects and GDP, which is now at 8%. During the next two years, the percentage predicted to rise to 60%. The National AI Strategy was created by India’s NITI Aayog strategy to supervise research and development of emerging AI technology. AI technology adoption is being driven by large technical conglomerates and startups in India, and the phenomenon has played a crucial role in the country’s rapid digital transformation.
With a per-capita GDP of US$107,690 (PPP Int$), Singapore is the wealthiest country in Asia. Singapore’s wealth stems from a lack of government corruption and a business-friendly atmosphere, rather than oil. Many investors fly to Singapore to do business, and they employ artificial intelligence to carry their money with them.
Malaysia’s score profile is strikingly similar to that of Vietnam. This suggests that the country does well in the “Movers” and “Open for Business” categories, albeit this hasn’t helped the country’s stock markets, which have lagged those of other Asian countries over the last five years. It has also made great progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia made up of around 17,000 islands. It is the largest country in Southeast Asia and Asia’s sixth largest country. The islands spread from Asia to Oceania and have a total size of 1,904,569 square kilometres. With a population of 261,115,456 inhabitants, it is the world’s fourth most populous country. Artificial intelligence rapidly used in a range of sectors.
South Korea
South Korea scores well in Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship, and Rule of Law. It has a well-educated population, is entrepreneurial, innovative, and has easy access to capital. It also has a skilled labour force, technological expertise, transparent business practises, well-developed infrastructure, and movers.
Turkey is Asia’s ninth largest country, with 783,356 square kilometres. It is a transcontinental country, with Europe accounting for only a small portion of the total land area. The population of Turkey is 79,814,871 people. Turkey has a wide range of geographical features, including mountains and river basins. With over 80,000 animal species, the nation is rich in biodiversity and uses AI to its full capacity.
Vietnam ranks in the middle of the pack on most categories, but it excels in “movers” and artificial intelligence, which account for 10% of the overall score and include phrases like “different, distinctive, dynamic, innovative,” which have fueled Vietnam’s quick development. The scenario has attracted the attention of investors. Over the preceding year, Vietnam’s stock markets were among the greatest performers in Asia.
According to a poll, the Philippines is set to become an important market for AI-led efforts, since most governments in the region organising committees or task forces to build national AI strategies, which have implemented or will implemented in the future years. The Philippines is one of the greatest in the world when it comes to artificial intelligence.