Drone technology, in the form of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is already widely used by the militaries of many nations, including the US, UK, Israel, and India. But how will they be used by the year 2022? By looking at how they are currently being deployed, as well as how drone technology will improve in that time period, we can get an idea of how drones will be used in five years’ time.
Drone Technology for Military Forces in 2022
Impact on the battlefield
The most immediate impact of drone technology on military forces will felt in battlefield surveillance. Rather than having to wait until they are close enough to see something, drones can help military commanders.
Get a much better view of what’s happening around them before they commit troops. Beyond that, some companies are looking at ways that military forces could use drones not just to spot threats. But to actively attack them with missiles or lasers fired from above. In particular, there has been a lot of interest in making drone systems. That don’t have any crew on board, relying entirely on autonomous software.
The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Drone Strategy
In 2017, The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) announced plans to create a new Joint Expeditionary Force incorporating both manned and unmanned elements. This would accompanied by a new MOD drone strategy which has designed to deal with modern-day military threats and will see increased collaboration between the UK industry and academia.
In terms of defense spending, it expected that roughly £11 billion will allocated over 10 years towards unmanned technology. According to Jane’s Future Weapons System, The Global Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Market Forecast & Opportunities: 2017-2027, forecasts for world defense expenditure predict UAV procurement to represent about one percent or $17 billion by 2027.
The Role of AI/Machine Learning/Big Data Analytics
Machine learning, deep learning, and AI are all different names to describe computers that can learn from experience. The algorithms learn as they go, changing their internal structures and weights to match patterns that were previously unknown.
It is believed that machine learning will play a major role in how drone technology evolves over time, as well as how decisions made about where military forces should sent. While computers using AI are not yet able to make complex human-like decisions on their own (although it’s getting closer), they can perform a detailed analysis of data collected by drones at lightning speed—which may mean life or death for soldiers overseas.
Autonomous Systems
NextGen drones will need to be autonomous and able to operate on their own, outside of human contact. This will allow drones to fly missions 24/7 and avoid threats such as enemy fire. They will also require artificial intelligence (AI) so they can differentiate between friendly and enemy forces, as well as make combat decisions such as when to engage enemies with force. NextGen drones may even take an active role in firefights by using AI-controlled machine guns or other weapons systems. US military forces are already using Fire Scout unmanned helicopters that can pinpoint targets, track enemy movements, and strike them with air-to-ground missiles or bombs from hundreds of miles away.
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Warfare
The next frontier of warfare will fought in cyberspace and on battlefields that have not yet invented. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and other emerging technologies will give soldiers an unprecedented advantage over their enemies. While autonomous vehicles and combat robots have already deployed, expect to see more unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployed over battlefields by 2022.
Drones such as these could stay airborne for long periods of time thanks to efficient electric engines. These drones would also loaded with a variety of high-tech sensors, including facial recognition technology that could help militaries find enemy combatants even when they’re hiding among a civilian population. Flying above ground level at 200 mph while gathering crucial intelligence sure to change how war waged over the next decade.
Development of 5G Communications Networks
In addition to a more than 50-fold increase in total network capacity. 5G networks will also significantly lower latency and minimize network delays so that low-latency communication channels maintained. These features will enable various forms of drone technology used by militaries around the world.
First, as soldiers and vehicles move closer together in dense formations. During combat situations, there is an increased need for low-latency communications. When moving at high speeds or while under fire, time delays or disruptions can have dire consequences. 5G networks will help to ensure secure and uninterrupted communication between humans and machines even at very close distances.
Three Types of Aerial Vehicles Used by Armed Forces
The first is a lighter-than-air machine, such as a blimp or balloon. The second type is a heavier-than-air craft that can fly on its own—like a plane, helicopter, or unmanned drone. The third type of vehicle is an airship—it’s not quite as big as an aircraft, but it can take off and land vertically like one.
It takes skill to be able to fly any kind of aircraft with precision and safety, whether manned or unmanned. To have force multipliers like these flying around military installations in five years would be a good thing!
Ways In Which Drones Used by Militaries Today
Drones are so much more than unmanned aircraft used by military forces; they’re also an information technology system that connects sensors, data, and aircraft. The use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) within militaries is one of three major ways.
That drones used today: (1) as data relay to extend line-of-sight capabilities. And provide situational awareness to military forces on the ground; (2) as airborne surveillance platforms to provide real-time situational awareness with an emphasis on low/slow aerial vehicles; and (3) as armed combat platforms to improve survivability, lethality, mobility, and overall effectiveness of surface forces.
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